Our thyroid binding globulin test will help determine the cause of abnormal T4 levels. Thyroid binding globulin does bind T3 in the blood but mainly T4. If large amounts of thyroid binding globulin are present, the body will not have enough free, or usable, T4 to function properly.
Thyroid Binding Globulin is Increased by:
- estrogens, including birth control pill, premarin and environmental estrogens
- tamoxifen
- pregnancy
- perphenazine
- liver disease, including hepatitis
- genetic factors
Thyroid Binding Globulin is Decreased by:
- chronic liver disease
- nephrosis (kidney)
- glucocorticoids
- androgens/anabolic steroids (e.g. cortisone shots)
- acromegaly (enlarged tissue due to increased growth hormone)
What’s Being Tested:
- Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG)
Fasting: No
Specimen: Blood(Draw Location | How It Works | FAQs)
Medical Review Board
Reviewed by Jeff Donohue M.D. from Body Logic and Brady Hurst DC, CCCN. Written by True Health Lab’s team of editorial health contributors.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.
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