Ova and Parasites, Concentrate and Permanent Smear
What’s Being Tested:
- Ova and Parasite Concentrate Result
- Trichrome Result
Fasting: Yes. 10-12 hours
Specimen Type: Urine/Stool (Draw Location | How It Works | FAQs)
Important Note:
- Kit Must be Picked Up and Returned to Draw Station
- Stool specimen (preferred): Place a fresh stool in 10% formalin transport vial, as well as PVA transport medium or single Total-Fix® vial, within 30 minutes of collection. Add stool to bring the liquid level to the “fill to here” line on the vial. Mix well. Send specimen(s) at room temperature in the same shipping container.
If parasite infestation is strongly suspected, collect at least 3 stool specimens every other day, since a single specimen can be negative. - Urine specimen (acceptable): Urine may be submitted unpreserved for the exam for Schistosoma. Collect at mid-day. Peak egg secretion occurs between noon and 3 p.m. Do not submit the first-morning specimen. In patients with hematuria, eggs may be found trapped in blood and mucous in the terminal portion (last-voided portion) of the urine specimen.
Medical Review Board
Reviewed by Jeff Donohue M.D. from Body Logic and Brady Hurst DC, CCCN. Written by True Health Lab’s team of editorial health contributors.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.
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