After adding tests to your cart, find a draw location for your particular test. Review the details on what will be sent to you after purchase. You can also build your own lab test panel. If you are one of our European customers, only the tests in the Europe category are available.
Read: if collecting your sample in NY, NJ, MA, or RI.2

Within 24 hours (Monday-Friday) after you checkout through our secure payment system, you will receive a requisition form via email. If you ordered a test kit (indicated next to "Specimen Type" on every test page), it will be mailed to your shipping address and will contain your requisition form. Bring all your material with you to your local Draw Center. All stool, urine, saliva and hair test kits samples can be self-collected at home.

Your results will be sent to you via encrypted email. Turnaround times are usually 3-4 business days, however, more complex tests can take 14+ business days.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can’t find the test I’m looking for.
We have access to thousands of tests, many we don't post online. If you are seeking a specific test, you can submit your request here . If the test is available, we will respond ASAP.
Step-by-step, how does your service work?
- Select your tests, find your draw location, then checkout.
- Take the form and/or kit you receive from us to your draw location.
- Test results are emailed to you once completed.
The results will be emailed to you the day we receive them. Most tests are reported quickly, however, some tests can take a week or more. If you do not receive your results within 10 days of your collection, please contact us. Ordering test kits (indicated next to "Specimen Type" on every test page)?: After ordering your tests online, you will receive your test kit(s) and requisition form(s) via mail within 3-5 business days within the continental USA. Check the requisition form for errors. If asked, check the box(s) for "bill physician" (no signature is required). Take the test kit with you to a local draw center (saliva and stool tests are completed at home). Most test kits come with free return shipping labels and packaging. Ordering from outside the USA? Click here if you are ordering tests for more than 1 person.
Can I order lab tests in my state or country?
**Some tests can NOT be collected in the state of NY, NJ, MA, RI, or outside the USA. This restriction will be noted in the test description. If it is not noted, then the test can be collected in all states except New York. However, these tests can be completed in a nearby non-restricted state. Canada: Please visit our Canada lab test category. Remember, if you decide to travel to the USA, all lab tests on TrueHealthLabs.com are available to you. Blood Draws in Canada: You must contact a local clinic or hospital for all blood draws. Return Shipping: Due to international regulations, you must arrange shipping back to the lab. Europe: Only tests in the Europe category are available.
What day should I mail my test kit back?
If the test(s) you are ordering requires a test kit (indicated next to "Specimen Type" on every test page), you will need to mail it back to the lab. The return shipping label and bag are included. It is suggested to mail the kit back on a Monday or Tuesday in order to avoid weekend mailing delays. We do not suggest mailing kits on a Friday.
Will my healthcare provider receive a copy of my results?
We deal directly and confidentially only with you, and email the results directly to you. You will be able to print out your results and take them to your healthcare provider.
Do I need to see my healthcare provider to get tested?
No. Direct access testing allows greater participation in one's own healthcare. Your healthcare provider can refer you to True Health Labs, but it’s not a requirement. You can order any test without your doctor. We write the order for you. You can feel secure because True Health Labs uses the same labs as healthcare providers and hospitals, which are CLIA-certified and regulated by appropriate governmental agencies. True Health Labs also uses other specialty laboratories.
How do I check on the status my test results?
My Test Results Many of our tests have an average turnaround time listed in the description. The general turnaround time ranges from 3-4 business days to 14+ business days for more complicated tests. If you have been waiting for an extended time, please call us at 1-888-763-1223 or email us with the following information:
- Name of the test recipient
- Date of blood drawn or return kit shipment
- Name and location of the draw center
How do I access my test results?
Test results are emailed unless a hard copy is requested. Your results are password protected. You can find your password in red after logging in to your account.
I want to order for someone else. What do I do?
When checking out, the person you are ordering the test for goes in the "shipping information". Your information goes in the billing section. If you are ordering for multiple persons or have an existing account and need to order tests for another, enter their information in the "additional comments" box during the checkout process:
- First/Last Name
- Email Address
- Mailing Address
- Date of Birth + Age
- Phone Number
- Which test you are ordering for them.
Will I be receiving a test kit by mail or a requisition form by email?
If the test you are ordering is a kit that we mail you, you will see the label next to “specimen type” at the bottom of every test page. If it does not mention a test kit then you will only receive a requisition form via email.
Where do I have my sample drawn?
See "Draw Locations".
Should I fast before taking the test?
It depends on the test. It is recommended that you avoid food for 10-12 hours when testing for glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides (fasting instructions are indicated on each test description). Water is permitted during your fast.
How reliable are the test results?
We use the leading national laboratories, which are fully CLIA accredited. Some are the same labs your healthcare provider uses. We also use the leading laboratories in alternative medicine to give you and your healthcare provider(s) maximum treatment options.
What if I receive an abnormal result?
Abnormalities should be considered an early warning, but do not necessarily indicate you have an illness or disease. We strongly recommend you discuss the results with your healthcare provider for evaluation, further testing and diagnosis. To save you on lab costs, it is recommended you get a list of follow-up tests your healthcare provider suggests then return to our site.
Will I be able to understand the results?
Some results may be self-explanatory such as those that are "high" or "low". Many tests also have "functional ranges" which can help identify more subtle changes that could be detrimental to your health. One of our trained doctors can help you understand your results at your request.
What if I have questions about the results?
Questions regarding abnormal results should be discussed with your healthcare provider. One of our TrueHealthLabs.com doctors can also help you understand your purchased results. After receiving your test results, click here to order you one-on-one results review.
Are tests covered by my insurance?
In order to provide you with the lowest prices on lab tests, insurance can not be used. TrueHealthLabs.com does not engage in diagnosing and does not form a doctor-patient relationship.
Do I fill out the billing information and signature area on the form I received?
You have already paid for your tests so leave any billing sections on your form blank. You may see an area for a physician’s signature. We have already electronically signed the form so no physical signature is needed. All other information must be completed (name, address, sample collection time, etc.)
Are there any tax and/or shipping fees?
Standard shipping is free in the USA. Shipping fees may apply for lab test in the Europe category. Fees to other countries may apply. Contact us to check shipping cost in your country. Every lab test order is tax free!
Can I cancel my order?
You may cancel prior to the specimen collection with a refund equal to the price of the total order less a 10% cancellation fee, if canceled within four (4) months from the date of the order. There is no cancellation refund after four (4) months unless other arrangements are made before the four (4) month cut-off date. If you are holding a test for greater than four (4) months (with no specimen collection), send an "extension" email to support@truehealthlabs.com. We can not issue refunds for undesirable results. All the labs have strict quality control protocols. If there are issues with the sample or the testing process, the labs reject the sample and contact us for a recollection. This said, refunds can not be issued once the sample has been received by the lab.
Does Medicare cover my tests?
True Health Labs has negotiated discounted cash prices with the laboratories, therefore, lab costs cannot be submitted to Medicare.